Study protocol

For data collection purposes, the following examinations will be conducted:

  • Lung function tests
  • Nasal secretions and respiratory rate
  • Telephone interviews
  • MRI Examination at the age of six 

Lung Function tests

Between the ages of 6 and 10 weeks, a lung function test will be performed on the infant. The measurement is performed during natural sleep using a soft mask placed around the mouth and nose. Using this technique, the measurement can be made without disturbing the infant’s natural breath and sleep. 

The same measurements will be repeated at the age of one year. At the age of six and nine years, a "normal" lung function (spirometry and Bodyplethys-mographie) will be per-formed as a routine procedure during a medical check-up visit.

Nasal secretions and respiratory rate

At the time of the infant lung function, a nasal swab will be done in order to ascertain the presence of viruses and bacteria. At this time, the parents will also be asked if they would be willing and able to repeat this swab at home once per week over the course of the entire first year of life, as well as to count the respiratory rate of their child in deep sleep once per week over the first year.

Telephone interviews

The study nurses contact the parents by telephone once per week during the first year of life to ask a couple of standardized questions related to the health of their children.

For medical questions related to the health of your child outside the scope of the SCILD study, the child’s primary care physician should be consulted.

MRI examination

At the age of six, we will also carry out a MRI check-up. This diagnostic tool is a nonradioactive examination, which gives us valuable information about the ventilation and

perfusion of the lungs. The test is free of pain and the mother (or other person of trust) will be sitting right next to the child.